A Little About Myself

My Birthday is Jan 12th, So I'm 35 like my bio says I have 5 kids. And my life is all about them. But their all teens now so it won't be long before I have an empty nest and I already know that is going to be so hard on me. I'm wanting to do this blog to get in shape learn new hobbies. Share what I'm reading and doing with my life. I hope that you al enjoy my blog and bear with me as I learn how to work and run a blog. So things might seem strange to you at 1st. But I will get the hang of this and I will rock it. Message to all Mom's married or single we got this and we can do anything. I'm always here for you and that is what I mostly want for this blog is for us Moms to come together and help each other out even if it is just words.


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