So Gabbie came home sick today. She worked half of her day then had to come home. She said she is going to work tomorrow though. She just needed to come home and get some rest her stomach was hurting her. So if I can get some prayers going up for her that would be nice.
        It's just starting to rain here in Columbus Ohio at least on the west side of Columbus. I'm excited cause we never get enough rain here. I hope that it turns into a storm and last for a few hours that would be so nice. When Scott gets off work today. We will be going and picking up Katie and Haylie for our weekend with them. I'm so happy that we get to keep them one night longer then we mostly get too. Going to go out to Alum Creek on Saturday if any of my friends that are in or around Columbus wants to join us out there.
             So Noah is again on his ps4 playing his game. Gabbie and Winter are in the front room watching their KPOP people lol. And I'm just typing a way here on my blog waiting for 3 so Scott will be home with me.  If you have read this to this far please go and follow my blog I love to make new friends and I can't wait for you all to start following me. Have a great day. 

                        Signing off for now. 
                               Sarah F. 💀


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