I am currently reading this book, I love this book even though I'm a stay at home Wife/Mom it has got me wanting to get in shape and take charge of my life. I think that you would enjoy this book you should check it out.
Haylie and me my youngest, and my 2nd bonus kid. She was 5 when I married her Daddy. She is now 14. Let me tell you a little about her. She is also very quite and so sweet. She loves to read. And she just started her 1st job. She is the one I would say likes school the most out of the 5. And I see her going to collage. I know she is going to go places and touch so many people lives. Haylie I know that I tell you all the time that I'm proud of you. I can't wait to see what you choose to do with you're life. Enjoy your teens though don't grow up too fast. You will miss these years one day. I will love you Always and Forever You're my youngest and will always be my baby.
Happy Tuesday World I hope that you all have a very blessed day. I don't have anything planned so far besides cleaning and waiting for Scott to get home from work. Gabbie had today off because she has to work this weekend. She will have next Tuesday off as well.
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