
Showing posts from July, 2020

Good Night.

       Just wanted to say good night world, I hope that you all sleep great.                    Signing off for the night                      Sarah F. 💀

CHECK THIS OUT Check this out guys

Hey Hey

I'm up to 5 followers now. It says 6 but one of them is me lol. Share my blog please so we can build this up together.


                                   Pictures from the past the 1st one is of Haylie, the 2nd one is Gabbie and our cousin Trisha, the 3rd one is  Gabbie Noah Winter our cousin Trisha and me and the 4th one is of my mom and my cousin Trisha. Again all 4 of these pictures are from a few years ago or more.


                                      Picture from the past 1st on Winter, 2nd one all 4 of my girls. 3rd one Noah Winter and Haylie and the 4th one Katie and Noah. Again all 4 of these pictures are from a few years or more ago.



What Is Everyone Doing??

                    Hey what's up everyone? Most of the kids are still sleeping. Well the 3 girls. Noah is in the shower. Gabbie is at work. And so is Scott. Going to get something for dinner tonight and do a little shopping when Scott gets home from work. So happy that they both have the next two days off. But Miss Haylie has to work tomorrow for 4 hours from 7 to 11 and then we can head out to Alum Creek after we get her from work. I can't wait for tomorrow. Were going to have so much fun. I hope that it don't rain and ruin our plans for tomorrow cause then I will be so sad.  I started writing a few ladies this week and waiting for them to write me back. Were going to be pen pals.  I think that it is really neat that I found about 20 women from all over that wanted to be my pen pal. I have sent out 4 letters already. I have to wait until I can get some more stamp to send out more. But I'm going to the post office today to by ...


Yay we made it to Friday! I seen Scott and Gabbie off for their 5th and last day this week. I hope you all have a great Friday!  Signing off for now Sarah F. 💀

Bed Time.

Well it's that time. Time to call it a night. I hope that you all have had a great day. Mine was good. Happy cause I have all 5 of my kids now until Sunday. So time to just enjoy spending family time with them all weekend. I hope you all have a great night. I will see you all in the AM.  Signing off for the night, Sarah F.💀




Lol this is so true though How many others will admit it.

Who Remembers Alf??

I love Alf I always loved to watched his show My Mom got me a stuffed animal of him for Christmas 2017. 

I Love This


Pictures From The Past!

Pictures from my Facebook page from memories over the past few years. The 1st one is of Scott and me at COSI. 2nd one being me silly at COSI 3rd one just a selfie of me and the last one is of Gabbie Noah and my niece Kk at Red White and Boom. All 4 of these photos are from a few years are more ago. But I love my memories and wanted to share them with my blog.     Signing off for now,       Sarah F. 💀

What's For Dinner??

    Pizza Hut is on the way for us, What are you having for dinner?? I'm looking for some new ideas . So what do you and your family love to make?                           Signing off for now                               Sarah F. 💀

What's up people

           So Haylie has to work until 5 today. So their mom is just going to drop them off after she gets off work, so we will be dropping them off on Sunday evening. Not going to be doing a whole lot tonight. Just relaxing with the family. Trying to figure out what to make for supper. 


           So Gabbie came home sick today. She worked half of her day then had to come home. She said she is going to work tomorrow though. She just needed to come home and get some rest her stomach was hurting her. So if I can get some prayers going up for her that would be nice.         It's just starting to rain here in Columbus Ohio at least on the west side of Columbus. I'm excited cause we never get enough rain here. I hope that it turns into a storm and last for a few hours that would be so nice. When Scott gets off work today. We will be going and picking up Katie and Haylie for our weekend with them. I'm so happy that we get to keep them one night longer then we mostly get too. Going to go out to Alum Creek on Saturday if any of my friends that are in or around Columbus wants to join us out there.              So Noah is again on his ps4 playing his game. Gabbie and Winter are in the front room...

If you see this take a minute to follow me PLEASE

           Hey please take a minute to follow me thank you

NEED Followers Please!

                 Hi Welcome to my blog about my life and the things that I want to learn and need to do in this life. I'm looking for friends and people to just talk too I hope to loose 80 pounds in the next 6 months. I also hope to learn about getting my GED yes I know I'm 35 I should already have it but I don't. And I would love to start a group where people can feel like they can come talk about anything and together we can figure it out. Please follow me and please add all your friends to follow me too. Let's get this blog out there and change the word together.           Signing off for now,                Sarah F. 💀

Happy Thursday!

                            Happy Thursday to my followers! Good Morning, I seen the hubby and Gabbie out the door and off to work. I hope that you all have a very blessed Thursday! Take a minute to thank God today for at least one thing in your life.                                               Signing off for now                                                  Sarah F. 💀

Goodnight World


Please follow my blog About my life.

Well's it's about that time to shut it down for the night. I hope that I get some more followers through out the night. I really want to make this  where I only go to use social media. So I just got to get more followers and more of my family and friends to follow me. I have had a great day. It has been very hot today though. So that is why I'm going to crawl into bed right in front of the fan and call it a night.               Good night, Sleep tight                   Signing off for the night                          Sarah F.💀 

Meeting Papa Roach

When my hubby took me to meet Papa Roach back in 2013. This was the best date night ever.

All about Haylie

Haylie and me my youngest, and my 2nd bonus kid. She was 5 when I married her Daddy. She is now 14. Let me tell you a little about her. She is also very quite and so sweet. She loves to read. And she just started her 1st job. She is the one I would say likes school the most out of the 5. And I see her going to collage. I know she is going to go places and touch so many people lives.  Haylie I know that I tell you all the time that I'm proud of you. I can't wait to see what you choose to do with you're life. Enjoy your teens though don't grow up too fast. You will miss these years one day. I will love you Always and Forever You're my youngest and will always be my baby.

All about Winter

Winter and me, Winter is my 4th child 3rd born to me, She was also born when I was only 32 weeks along with her. She only weighed 3 lbs and 9 oz. She was not in the NICU for as long as Gabbie only 4 weeks and she had gained enough weight to then come home with me. I named her Winter cause she was born on Jan 2nd and I always loved that name. I was looking outside the night before hoping for the 1st baby of the year and it started snowing I was like yep Winter is her name.  She is 14 and very shy. She is a Mommy's girl 100% This girl is so close to me and she acts just like me it scares me. She is into KPOP music and she has a very kind heart and would give you the shirt off her back. Winter I just want you to know that I love you and I'm so proud of the young women your becoming. I know you're going to go far in this life and I will always be standing right next to you as long as the good Lord lets me stay on this earth. I love you Always and Forever.

All about Noah

Noah and me he is my middle baby. My only boy, 3rd child my 2nd born. And let me tell you a little about him. When he was 4 he feel from a high fall. He was being watched by someone I was not there. He was in a coma for 12 hours. The Dr's told me that they didn't know if he would wake up. God again saved the day. That 12th hour he set up and said Mommy why am I in a diaper lol. He has a TBI and so he has some issues that come from that. He can't tie his shoes he can't ride a bike. He can't write. But these things don't hold him back he can type like no other. He can read and is very smart.  And he has a love for God like I have not seen before in a kid his age. He loves to go to his church and be a part of it. He is having a very hard time with this cov19 stuff and not being able to go to church.  Noah I can't wait to see where God takes you and what you will do for the will of God.  I love you Always and Forever. You will always be my baby boy no matter how...

All about Kaitalyn

This is my 2nd oldest Kaitalyn and me, we call her Katie though most of the time. I married her Daddy when she was 8 years old.  She is now 16 and let me tell you a few things about her. She is my most outgoing loudest daughter but she ain't afraid to tell you what she thinks. She is so kind and loving,  She don't know a stranger which I don't know is a good thing or a bad.  She is always wanting to meet new people and try new things. Katie I know you're going to meet and make tons of new friends. And I can't wait to see where you choose to let this life lead you I love you Always and Forever.

All about Gabbie

Throw Back picture Gabbie and me she was only 2 days old here. She is now my oldest and 18. I had her when I was only 27 and a half weeks along. The drs told me she had a 50 50 chance of even making it. And only a 30% chance that she would live a normal life. Let me tell you about my God. She was there in the NICU for 8 weeks, then she was finally big enough to come home. And she is one of the smartest and brightest young women you could ever meet.  So this post is just a little about my 1st born baby girl. I love you Gabbie Always and Forever.

New Book

This is the new book that I'm now reading Come join me as we read it together.

Just some more about today

                        So what is going on here. Right now trying to wake Winter up lol. I will give her until 11 then I'm going to make her get up. She really has got to stop staying up so late. Both her and Noah got to get back in the routine for school. Even though they will be doing school from home again. Noah is up though he got up about 15 minutes ago ad he is already on his ps4 playing his game. I'm about to read some of this new book that I'm reading I will post more about that in my next post. And I got to get my placed cleaned back up but this is an everyday thing lol. Nothing really planned for the day that I can think if. Just wanted to check in and let you all know well so far still no followers but still I know that someone might just come across this and it might brighten their day and that is all I'm hoping and to meet some new wonderful people along the way.              ...

Happy Wednesday

         Good Morning World, Welcome to my blog if you found me this morning. Today I'm going to start my workout back up. I need to loose about 80 pounds. So I will begin some of my easy workout's today. And then on Monday I'm going to start the more harder ones. I'm really going to try and  cut out pop by next week as well. I'm 35 I got to get in shape now before its too late for me. I hope that someone stumbles across this blog and it becomes something that people enjoy to read. If not then I guess it is notes to myself for later. Signing off for now                                                                               Sarah F.

A Little About Myself

My Birthday is Jan 12th, So I'm 35 like my bio says I have 5 kids. And my life is all about them. But their all teens now so it won't be long before I have an empty nest and I already know that is going to be so hard on me. I'm wanting to do this blog to get in shape learn new hobbies. Share what I'm reading and doing with my life. I hope that you al enjoy my blog and bear with me as I learn how to work and run a blog. So things might seem strange to you at 1st. But I will get the hang of this and I will rock it. Message to all Mom's married or single we got this and we can do anything. I'm always here for you and that is what I mostly want for this blog is for us Moms to come together and help each other out even if it is just words.

What are you reading?

I am currently reading this book, I love this book even though I'm a stay at home Wife/Mom it has got me wanting to get in shape and take charge of my life. I think that you would enjoy this book you should check it out.